A Necessary Tool for Income Investors… Especially Now

We’ve all heard the saying: If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Since dividend investing can be boiled down to a single strategy—generating income—you might assume we don’t need a toolbox full of tools. We know that’s not true.

Yes, I believe your investable dollars can only do two things for you:

  • Build wealth for your future

  • Generate passive income for you now

And we know that dividend stocks are the key to both.

To build wealth, we reinvest our dividends and unlock the power of compounding. It amplifies your money so you have a larger stack of cash in the future.

To earn passive income today, we look for higher yields without taking on too much risk.

The best way to generate this income is from high-quality dividend stocks. Dividend Kings and Dividend Aristocrats are a great foundation for Bedrock stocks to build future wealth. And REITs, BDCs, and MLPs are a tailor-made way to boost your passive income.

Those are all great tools… but are they the only tools you should have in your income investing toolbox? Of course not.