Looking ahead to 2025, investors and advisors alike should be keeping an eye out for market trends to capitalize on.
Drivers for Global Growth
This vigilance should encompass a global perspective, according to Jens Peers, CFA, CIO of Mirova US, who recently discussed growth drivers in a recent Natixis Insights piece.
Examining the macro picture, Peers assessed that both the United States and Asia will remain key economic drivers in 2025. He noted that India is in a particularly good position to grow through both friendshoring and nearshoring.
“China is not standing still,” Peers added. “We expect more stimulus from the government to go into the local economy, which would be beneficial from infrastructure and commodity-related companies.”
Peers noted that Europe presents a less attractive picture, especially considering the headwinds both Germany and France may face. However, he did add that European companies will be able to benefit well from a stronger U.S. dollar.
Betting Big on Renewables
Meanwhile, a few market and industry sectors may present valuable returns for 2025 and beyond. Soliane Varlet, portfolio manager at Mirova, highlighted a few of these in the Natixis Insights post.
Varlet highlighted more than a few market themes that investors could pursue, such as healthcare and pharmaceuticals. In particular, she noted that market demand remains strong for weight loss drugs.
Of course, artificial intelligence will continue to be a sector that investors should consider preserving exposure to. However, Varlet highlighted that the AI boom creates a unique opportunity to benefit from renewable energy companies.
“With the advent of gen AI [generative AI], we are seeing a rise in energy demand, and this will lead to a rise in carbon emissions,” noted Varlet. “Renewables are one of the key solutions for this increased need for power and increase need for decarbonization. New renewable capacity is also cheaper and faster to deploy than other sources like gas or nuclear.”
Investment opportunities in renewables and global companies don’t necessarily need to be mutually exclusive. A number of mutual funds and ETFs can help investors gain access to a more sustainable international portfolio.
One such mutual fund is the Mirova Global Sustainable Equity Fund (ESGYX). This fund provides exposure to a global portfolio of companies with sustainable business models.
Fostering a more climate-friendly portfolio can make a great deal of sense down the line. Companies with more minimal carbon footprints may be able to better capitalize on advancements in renewable energy and climate policies.
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