The Rules Of Bob Farrell – An Updated Illustrated Guide

In a recent discussion on TheRealInvestmentShow, Bob Farrell and his 10 investment rules were discussed, which elicited several email questions asking, “Who is Bob Farrell, and where are these rules?”. I often forget how old I have become, and the investing legends of my youth are no longer there and are lost to the sands of time. While I have written several articles discussing the investing legend’s famous rules, which have served us well. the last time I had a deep discussion of Bob’s rules was in 2016; much has happened since then. From tax cuts and tariffs to trade wars, or the Fed cutting rates and instituting a massive QE program following COVID-19, to rate hikes to combat inflation. The question worth exploring is whether Bob’s rules still hold today. That is the subject of this week’s discussion.

Why are Bob’s rules so important? The answer is simple: The downfall of all investors is ultimately “greed” and “fear.” Investors repeatedly fail to sell when markets are near peaks, nor do they buy market bottoms. However, this does not just apply to individuals but also to many advisors, which is why many promote “buy and hold” investment strategies because they either can’t, don’t want to, or don’t know how to manage portfolio risk.

While buy-and-hold strategies work well during trending bull markets, they can be devasting during larger corrections and bear markets. This is why Bob Farrell’s rules are so important for navigating markets over the long term. Such is particularly the case today, with expectations elevated, valuations high, and sentiment extremely bullish.