Don’t Forget About Growth!


  • No bubble in mega-cap tech, currently.
  • We believe anti-trust is an unlikely, though negative risk.
  • We prefer both growth and value to defensives and international.

One of my favorite aspects of working at Riverfront is working with the four associate portfolio managers that make up our equity selection team. This team performs analysis on individual equities that provides useful insights into how we position our portfolios. Over the past two weeks, we wanted to provide our clients with some of the insights they have uncovered. - Adam Grossman, CFA

Adam Grossman:
Last week,
I talked with Dan and Kaetlin about ‘value’ investing, so today I wanted to bring Taylor and Diego in to touch on the flip side of that coin… ‘growth.’ To make sure we are all speaking the same language, table 1 illustrates how Riverfront categorizes value and growth on a sector basis.