Top Five Surprises for 2025

History shows us that the biggest surprises in a typical year aren't usually from out of left field (although that sometimes happens, as it did in 2020 with the COVID-19 outbreak). Rather, they are often hiding in plain sight. As goes one of my favorite quotes often attributed to Mark Twain: "It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble, it's what you know for sure that just ain't so." Surprises most often appear when there is a very high degree of confidence among market participants in a specific outcome that doesn't pan out—for better or worse. So, by identifying the unexpected, here are our top global upside and downside surprises to our base case outlook for next year, in no particular order:

  1. Tariffs quickly come and go
  2. Shifts from rate cuts to rate hikes
  3. Sentiment in Europe rebounds
  4. Supply chains could be disrupted
  5. China recovers

Tariffs quickly come and go

Since the election, currency markets seem to have priced in a moderate rise in U.S. import tariffs for major trading partners. But volatility could ensue if markets are surprised by the imposed tariffs being much higher and then abruptly dropped or sharply reduced. There is some reason to believe that this could occur in 2025.