Demanding Energy

Unlimited Demand
Clear as Mud
Las Vegas, NYC, Austin, Newport Beach, and Italian Cuisine

Energy is everything. Or, if Einstein was right, you and I are just energy in material form. Accelerate us to lightspeed squared and we might become something else.

All economic activity involves converting energy from one form to another. This requires harnessing sufficient quantities of usable energy. That task is becoming more difficult, to the point economic growth would suffer if we weren’t constantly seeking new sources.

In other words, energy isn’t just another market sector. It’s the foundation of every sector. And you know what happens when the foundation gets shaky.

I want to spend a few letters exploring different angles of the energy challenge. I started my research with a long, fascinating phone call (with some of my colleagues) to Mark Mills, one of the world’s top energy authorities. He recently joined with an all-star cast of other energy experts to launch the National Center for Energy Analytics. The research they’ve published so far is extremely valuable. Mark told me a little about what else is coming. Suffice it to say, you should pay attention.

Through the magic of AI, we were able to transcribe my conversation with Mark. Today I’m going to share with you one short section (of 30 pages!) in which he masterfully explains why energy demand is a much more complex topic than many people think.

Mark has an amazing ability to riff on almost any energy-related topic. What follows is a mostly verbatim transcript (with a few minor edits) extracted from a much longer conversation, along with some additional charts and comments [in brackets] from me.

I’ll share some more excerpts in future letters along with my thoughts, but I think it is important we start with energy demand. You need this background to appreciate the magnitude of our challenge. Energy is getting harder (or at least more expensive!) to find at the same time we need an ever-growing amount of it.