ECB's Lagarde Faces a Make-or-Break 2025

Every central banker has a make-or-break moment. As the euro crisis raged in 2012, then-European Central Bank boss Mario Draghi took to describing the common currency as a “bumblebee”: We may not know exactly how this imperfect monetary union flies, but it does. Unsurprisingly, this didn't do the trick. Only a few months later, with the bee in danger of smashing into the proverbial windshield, did Draghi harness existential pressure to take the ECB into a new era of "whatever it takes."

The euro isn’t in crisis today, but some of that bumblebee-like complacency is visible. The whatever-it-takes spirit hasn’t been enough to spur investment, growth and confidence in a euro zone that's being pulled apart by North-South economic imbalances and East-West geopolitical divides. Draghi’s recent guide to removing structural barriers to growth is dangerously close to gathering dust.

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