Trump Is Right: Expat Taxes Are Too Complicated

President-elect Donald Trump pledged last month to eliminate “the Double Taxation of overseas Americans.” Never mind the clumsy wording — taxes on US citizens working abroad aren’t excessive so much as excessively complicated — this is one campaign promise that may actually be fulfilled, given the Republican control of both houses of Congress. That would be a good thing not only for those Americans but also for America.

There is in fact a long-standing debate over getting rid of what is commonly called “citizenship-based taxation” and replacing it with “residence-based taxation,” which is standard practice around the world. America’s system is different. If you are a US citizen but do not live, work or earn income in the US, you are still liable for US taxes. There are as many as 9 million Americans living abroad, a substantial population.

To be sure, the system is set up so that most people do not suffer financially. If an American is working in Paris and paying taxes to the French government, for example, a complex system of tax credits limits their liability to the US government. But extra tax may be due if that US citizen faces a low foreign tax burden; high earners or those with investment or retirement income may end up owing the US Treasury.

In any case, this is not mainly about revenue. The bigger problem is simply that dealing with two (or more) national tax systems is an extreme burden in terms of paperwork and legal fees — and the complications, it must be said, come from the American side. This is officially ranked as one of the most serious procedural problems with the US tax system, and if you have American friends living abroad, you have undoubtedly heard about it. I know a few who have actually repudiated their citizenship because of it.

If this system were reformed, Americans would find it easier to work, start companies and manage investments abroad.

One major result would be an expansion of US soft power: Americans, and American businesses, would be far more globally visible. China is often seen as more involved in most parts of the developing world, especially Africa. Simply by changing a small part of its taxation system, the US could help counter this general trend — while also benefitting millions of actual Americans.