Sticky Changes You Can Make for Big Results

Micah ShilanskiAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

Here is how to make lasting changes in your practice so you can reach your goals instead of wasting your time and burning out.

A new year is always a great time to set your resolutions, make new goals, and reinvent yourself.

Early in my career, I’d set extremely ambitious resolutions that were borderline delusional.

For example, I’d only ever brought in $2 million in assets, but this year, I would bring in $50 million. And it was going to happen because I desperately wanted it.

Never mind that I never changed my practice to reach my lofty goal. I just thought that if I wanted it bad enough, $50 million in assets would magically land in my lap.

Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work like that.

If you do the same level of work you did last year, you will get the same results.

To outperform last year, you must outwork your former self. This doesn’t mean you must spend 80 or 90 hours in the office, but you must make changes to see different results.

To grow in the coming year, here is how to make lasting changes in 2024 for massive success.