What is a Fractional Marketer? Should You Hire One?

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Forget ChatGPT, going independent or podcasts. The hottest trend growth-oriented advisors must know is the rise of the fractional marketer.

With marketing the new prospecting, advisors are discovering that introductions through marketing are the key to practice growth in today’s digital-first world.

To meet this marketing need, advisors, especially newer ones, try to be the marketing department in addition to their day job, which often leads to frustration.

Other advisors leverage a friend, family member, or assistant in the office to complete basic marketing tasks. But this fails to produce more fees or clients.

Larger teams may go the full-time-hire route, but this offers mixed results, high turnover, and unexpected marketing costs and management time.

A fractional marketer may be your best choice now and help move your practice to the next level.