Larry Swedroe’s Best Investment Books

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This article originally appeared in ETF.COM here.

Investing is not a science, at least in the sense of a natural or physical science such as biology, chemistry or physics. Scientific phenomena are determined precisely and reproducibly by the rules of nature, whereas investing is contaminated by the complicated interactions of investors. This is why science has laws, and investing has hypotheses and models.

As the director of research for the Buckingham Family of Financial Services, I’ve read dozens of books on the “science of investing,” or what some have called “evidenced-based investing,” that I’ve both learned from and enjoyed, and would highly recommend.

I’m often asked for a list of what I consider the best books on the subject (of course, such lists are personal opinions). With that in mind, I sat down and narrowed my collection to the top baker’s dozen. So here they are. The order is alphabetical, by author. I hope you find them as impactful as I did.