Six Tips to Make Your Client Communications Work

Dan Solin Photo

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E-mail and social media give you a platform to communicate easily with your clients. Used correctly, client communications are beneficial. Unfortunately, I rarely see communications that add value. Here are some of the problems – and six ways you can quickly and inexpensively improve your communications.

They don’t make an emotional connection

Your communications fall into a predictable pattern. They are text-dense and consist solely of your views about investing. Recently, the election has spawned much discussion about the impact of the new administration on investors. Your views are well-stated and your predictions have a sound basis.

Nevertheless, you’d be better off without those communications.

They’re often too long. They’re boring. On the merits, your predictions about future events are unlikely to be more accurate than those of the pundits who engage in stock-picking and market timing (with very limited success.)

Maya Angelou once said, “…People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I don’t feel anything when I read most client communications.